What Sets Us Apart

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We appreciate your desire to seek the best possible orthodontic care for you or your child. We pride ourselves on our honesty and patients' respect and assure you the best possible treatment. Here are a few reasons to choose our office and Dr. Brown for your orthodontic needs:

  • Do you get your patients in and out of braces during the estimated treatment time?
    The most frequently asked question in any orthodontic practice is, "When am I getting my braces off?" We have a very high success rate of completing treatment during the estimated treatment time. Dr. Brown pays particular attention to dental age and does not start a child too early. Our treatment mechanics, bracket placement, and efficient system to monitor treatment progress all combine to complete treatment during the estimated time with the best possible final results.
  • Do you speak with the parents at each appointment?
    Dr. Brown makes a conscious effort at each appointment to speak with every parent and briefly update the parent about treatment progress, hygiene, new mechanics or change in treatment plan. He is committed to keeping you informed throughout treatment, and he will always make time to answer your questions.
  • Do you explain all the options of treatment required to treat a particular case?
    Dr. Brown is always interested in presenting the best possible treatment plan for you or your child.
  • Does the doctor place all of the braces himself?
    This is the single most important aspect of treatment. The placement of the braces is a technically detailed procedure. When done properly, the final orthodontic result is achieved easier and faster. Assistants do not have the training or licensing to position the braces on the teeth.
  • Do you routinely put bands or brackets on the second molars (12-year molars)?
    Placing braces on the second molars is a time-consuming procedure and will increase the cost of materials. Aligning the 12-year molars is imperative to achieving a healthy, properly functioning bite.
  • Do you re-use brackets that have been in someone else's mouth?
    Believe it or not, this is a common practice that can save a doctor hundreds of dollars per case. Even though the braces are usually sterilized, we feel this is a disservice as wear and tear on the braces decreases their effectiveness. Patients are not informed of this, and they think they are getting new braces. Braces are precision devices, which are manufactured and intended for single use only. We do not recycle bands or brackets - ever!
  • How often are X-rays taken?
    During treatment, there are changes that may occur and go unnoticed without a radiograph. A panorex is a detailed X-ray that is taken to visualize these changes. At our practice, we routinely take a panorex every 12 months to check for signs of root resorption, root positioning, and the supporting bone around the teeth.
  • How much is the treatment fee?
    Orthodontic fees and philosophies may vary widely amongst offices, and it is important for you to be comfortable with both. It is vital that you look beyond fees and be satisfied with the quality of care you will receive. Many times, a treatment fee is quoted at an orthodontic office for the treatment only and may not include records or retainers. This gives an incorrect perception of your fee. Beware of additional fees that may be charged for time over and above the estimated treatment period. We feel very strongly about honesty with our patients. We want you to know up front what your entire fee includes so there are no surprises at the end. Our fee is all-inclusive, which consists of records, appliances for the estimated treatment time, and your first set of retainers for the retention period.

We take great pride to provide you with the very best in orthodontic care. We know you will develop confidence in our office and hope you will feel comfortable in recommending us to your friends.

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